Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Late CA pics! Part 1

These are WAY PAST DUE!
I apologize to my family for the delay. Getting time to sit at my computer without interruption is a challenge with a girl that doesn't sit freaking still for 2 seconds.
Loading pictures can be super frustrating.
As I sit here trying this she is throwing balloons at my face insisting that I play catch with them.

There will be more. I promise.

Lilly loves being at the beach.
Honestly, she does not seem to care if it is 100 degrees or 50 degrees.
Like mama, like daughter.
Looks like she is working on her mamas cheesy smile too. ;)

Yes, Macie learned to dig in the sand this day. No joke.
Lilly was in heaven with her favorite friend in the whole world.

My beautiful mom & aunt enjoying some fresh beach air after a hellacious week.
Love these women so much...

Lilly was not bothered by the freezing water of the northern Pacific ocean.
Good thing you can not see my grimacing face from my feet going numb.

My Dad taking in the beautiful sunset.
I love this picture.

1 comment:

  1. OH MY! You have an eye for photos! The last one of your dad in the sunset is AMAZING!
