A bit about me

I enjoy whacky car selfies with my daughter. No lie.

The beach and my babe are two of my favorite things.

Beyond blessed by the family I have been given and the honor of serving them in my every day life…
God is pretty dang cool!

I am a country music loving, Bohemian inspired wife and mommy of one adorable little girl.
I am a full time Mommy.
I moved to Raleigh recently after spending over 10-years (yikes!) in New Jersey.
My heart is always elsewhere…its the gypsy in me.
I love to cook.
I drink too much wine.
I LOVE my coffee strong & black. 
I love the smell of clean laundry.
I love to decorate.
I rearrange my furniture once a week.
I have issues, lots.
I am learning to love my curves.
I love Jesus.
I was saved when I was young and met my Lord and Savior, my best friend when I was 16.
I love to travel.
Painting calms me.
Yoga centers me.
I have lived in 10 different towns/ cities and four VERY different states.
I started this blog right before my daughter was born in order to keep my family in CA updated on her baby pictures and now it is a full time hobby.
I am too hard on myself.
I like to take too much on and stress about it. Again, I have issues.
I hate being cold.
Flowers make me happy.
God constantly amazes me.
My daughter is my vision as to how my savior father views me…every. day.
I am still learning about me...please follow along as I figure it out; one LaLa day at a time...