I realize I have not been here in a bit so lets do some catch up!
Please excuse my soul searching in this post; but Gods gotta do what Gods gotta do! ;)
I am desperately trying to life a life on purpose otherwise I am one floundering mama, wife, friend, sister, daughter…Lets face it when my eyes are on Him life just makes so much more sense & even in the midst of life making NO sense whatsoever the peace is still there.
Thankfully in the last few weeks I have found some awesome resources to help me along the way.
What I want to read:
What a cool bible study! Restless is on my book wish list.
What I am reading:
My soul is drinking this up!
Where I am going:
Kinda a full circle sorta thing. Jennie Allen, whom I found a few weeks ago led me to the Angie Smith book and then both of these ladies led me to this IF: GATHERING happening TONIGHT & TOMORROW!
I am headed out (solo) to a church up the street tonight to see what God has to share with me.
I am headed out (solo) to a church up the street tonight to see what God has to share with me.
What are you all up to this weekend?
What are your struggles, what are some of the resources have you found along the way to pull yourself up?
Just want you to know that I'm out here. I'm a terrible commenter (I usually read on my phone in between loads of laundry or something...) but I love hearing about your life and about you chasing after God. He loves to be found! Praying you are blessed this weekend! I always need things like that to recharge my life and my batteries. :)