Thursday, February 20, 2014


I posted a bit back about Restless & IF: Gathering.
I am telling you. All of this is just getting more and more exciting!

For those of you seeking; as I am. There is now a daily devotional that was birthed out of IF. It has been so nice to have a place to go daily.

& now; there is a Restless online book club

For those of us that have a hard time being vulnerable in public; especially with other women that you think totally have their lives together (hand STRAIGHT UP in the air), and for those of us that can't get a sitter to actually go to a book club even if we wanted, for those of us that have never been to an actual book club, & for those of us that want to start a book club but are unsure if they REALLY want to commit…THIS is perfect!

Check it out would ya?

I keep hearing this common tension among women. It's funny because we are a generation that is so advantaged. We have more than our parents have … most of us have more schooling, bigger houses, we have every privilege, luxury even, and advantage. We've been given so much and we are so blessed, and yet I keep hearing over and over, "I'm restless. I don't know what it is, I don't know what more I could possibly want, what am I missing? How could I still feel at all dissatisfied with this happy beautiful life that I have been given?
Jen Hatmaker - preface to Restless

"As I stared at the ceiling, I saw scrape marks. Right after we had moved into our first house, Zac, my husband, scraped off the popcorn-textured ceiling. You'd think that would be something you'd never really notice, the ceiling, but it was something I stared at every afternoon. I stared as my newborn son slept. I had nowhere to be. Nothing to do.
I would lie on my beige sofa and stare at the marks that had been left in, trying to make something perfect of it. And in the quiet, surrounded by everything I thought I'd ever wanted, I felt like everything I'd ever wanted was strangling me."

Man oh man, have I felt that! I still do somedays. Completely strangled. Why?? Well, pretty sure its because God has more out there for me! The beauty of this book is that it; along with a pretty amazing group of women that are taking this journey with me is that I am going to figure it out.
What if the things I; you loved to do collided with the plans God has laid out for us to do!?

Pretty sure He loves us that much people.

Pretty sure he loves us enough that if we choose to follow Him our lives our not going to be boring and miserable. He gave us passions for a reason. He gave us dreams for a reason!

Happy Thursday everyone!

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