Tuesday, August 6, 2013


I am finally getting around to posting some pics of the new digs.
I promise there will be so many more to come. SO MUCH FUN!

Come on in for a little peek...

Come on in y'all! 

Every good and successful unpacking day must start with a large cup of strong coffee!

I mean this is just a peek at the complete mess of stuff...We had SO MUCH MORE STUFF THAN I THOUGHT!

It is so nice to have a big flat yard for my girl to run around in. Ryan and Lilly love to throw the baseball around once Ryan is done working for the day. 
If we end up buying this house the little side yard in the lower right is fenced in and ready for Lillys dog! ;)

Lilly literally moved into one of the unpacked wardrobe boxes one day. All of her blankies and animals kept her cozy while she watched the iPad. (Thank God for that iPad!)

The living room coming along.
PS I have already rearranged it. ;) Pictures will be coming soon.

This pile of broken down boxes is so much higher now and I am told to list them on Craigs list and set them on the curb! Who knew?

Reminding myself of this everyday...

My view from the kitchen...where I spend most of my day...It is so nice to feel like I am part of the conversation while everyone is hanging out.

Our entry way.
I have added a few things to make it a bit more inviting.

Lillys room. It was the first room to get set up. I wanted to make sure she had a safe, normal place to hang out, play and sleep. 
PS Since we are renting and have been instructed NOT to put holes in the walls...I have been thanking God every day for Command hooks and velcro picture hanging kits. Honestly, everything in this house is hung with them.
Below: the canopy and butterfly mobile = hung with Command hooks!

Yes, her lights are hung with Command hooks!
I think I should get paid some advertising bucks from these peeps since I literally will be showing you a million things that I have used these for around this house.

Thanks for stopping by. Keep checking in as I will be posting lots of pics. Promise.
Have a lovely day! oxox

1 comment:

  1. Everything looks great! It looks like there's a lot of light streaming in which is awesome! Whatta ya mean no holes?! Geesh! Good job mama!
