Tuesday, August 6, 2013


I have survived...the move. Leaving the place that I have lived for over 10-years unscathed. I think...
Here are a few shots from our last week.
I know; I look tired. Really tired. I was. I am.

Our official birthday, 4th of July & good-bye BBQ.
Lisa, Tia Shayla, Danielle & I...I miss these faces already!!

My last fix of Melee Thai for a long while. This has been my favorite food since the day I moved my toosh to NJ.
Usual suspects: Shayla, Tina (Tin, did we get a shot together that night on your phone? I do not have one!) and Lynda. Little Miss Sophia was not even a sparkle in Lynda's eyes when we first met. Where did the time go?

We miss your face so much already Ms Shayla! ox

On our way out of town we stopped by Ryan's moms house for a few days in PA.
We were able to get some cousin time in.
Lilly & Isaac checking out the giant aquarium at Cabelas. hehe...
Honestly, I have never been to a Calelas before. This one in PA has lots of hicks there to buy guns and such. I had more fun people watching. Lilly on the other hand begs to go every time she is at Noni & Pop-pops to see all of the fishes and stuffed animals. (yup, that's a real stuffed bear. no big deal)
Loves it!

There it is. We took the plunge. We sold the house, packed it up and have officially relocated to Raleigh, NC.
I have met all the neighbors, made friends with our garbage man, had our local Allstate agent tell me to call her whenever I get lonely and need to chat, had random people approach me in the parking lot asking to return my cart for me since I had a little girl with me and had my hands full. Even my experience with the DMV was a pleasure!?? I mean really!! Crazyyy...The list goes on.
It is a breath of fresh air to be surrounded by genuinely nice people.
Stay tuned for more pictures!!

1 comment:

  1. Tell me more about these really nice people...they exist?! ;)
