Monday, May 7, 2012

My Mothers Day wish list...

With Mothers Day fast on its way I thought I would throw out a few hints to someone who will remain nameless.
I have left a few sticky notes around the house as well. Lets hope the message is received loud and clear?!

Here are some ideas that I think would be fun:

I would want the white ones...of coarse. ;)

We spend so much time outside and I always have the tunes going. I would LOVE some new speakers around the place.

They have a few different ones. All adorable!
Lets face it I need this reminder on a momentary basis these days. Why not have it around my neck?

I have had my eye on this beauty for quite some time.

Now, to find the perfect restaurant to make some reservations at. This mama is not cooking...

What are your dream Mothers Day plans?
To be honest it is a toss up between planting flowers with my family for the day or running away to do some mimosas, shopping and a movie solo...

1 comment:

  1. I will take one of each as well, he who shall remain nameless ...
