Thursday, May 10, 2012

Dear Me,

It was such a blessing to come across this blog earlier this week.
I believe it was God saying; "Here beautiful daughter. You need some fixing."
Boy, do I.

As with any new website, or blog that I find where I find myself totally jazzed that I found in the first place I start digging through it.
I found Brave Girls Club blog through an old friends post on Facebook.
I dug and dug and then I found this video on the site...

The second my mind had processed what the message was portraying I pictured myself as the little girl and the second I pictured myself as a little girl, I realized how many times my spirit had been broken since that time. The tears were falling into my morning coffee.
With my own little girl in the next room watching her cartoons I realized that obviously I wanted to protect her (as any good mother does) but I also wanted to heal myself in order to be the best mom I can to my Lilly. As her mother I do not want the lies to win in her life. I do not want the people that have hurt me deeply to win.
There will no doubt be times that I can not protect my daughter from pain, from sin but I want to be there  at the end of the day to tell her that she is beautiful, that she is loved and she can triumph over her pain.

Its time for me to heal. What I want this Thursday is to heal. I want to get back to the happy & confident little girl that I know is still in there under all of the yuck.
There is a lot of yuck.

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