When I feel down I turn my favorite music up real loud, pour myself a glass of wine and look for beautiful things.
I make myself, even when I do not feel like it.
Lately, I find those beautiful things and something else makes my heart sink.
Oh, what a season this is.
This year:
My beautiful Moms heart failed.
Our hearts broke.
My strong Mom had surgery to repair her hurt heart.
My amazingly strong Mom recovers...
A storm came & destroyed.
People that I loved passed.
A woman that I love is trapped in a disease that I pray a cure is found...soon.
I continue to deal with infertility and pray that I find peace in whatever God has in store for our family.
My home is on the market & I pray that the perfect buyers heart is being prepared to take over the care of our first house. To love it. To build a family in it. Once these buyers have bought this home that we would find the perfect place to settle for a long, long time.
For those of you who read this blog on a regular basis I apologize. I have been quite depressing lately & I feel bad that you have to read about it. That said, I find this blog a place for me to process my stuff and this is my stuff lately. Lets all pray that a new season is a-comen!
God is good. All the time. Period.
On that note, you are amazing and loved and I thank you SO MUCH for stopping by and for being patient with me!
Have an amazing weekend. oxox
I love you! and I love how you process things, at least you process, most just stuff it somewhere and let it fester. I hope you find peace and happiness soon wherever it may be, my darling friend. At the end of the day know that people love you and are here for you. If you move back to cali though, know that I will be making an annual trip for wine on a patio and our talks. Lets get together next week.