Wednesday, August 8, 2012


This verse is my screen saver.
I am under serious construction.
You know they say that it is who you are when no one is looking that matters.
I do not like the woman that stares me back in the mirror, the woman that follows me around all day, the mother to my daughter, the wife to my husband.
We are not getting along right now. (me, myself and I that is.)

Thankfully, I have a God that is not done with me yet.
I am permanently under construction. This I know but there gets to be times in life when you look around and you seem to be surrounded by pot holes that need filling, pealing paint, leaky roofs & you get sick of it.
I am tired all the time, I am bummed out most days, I beat myself up for the little things, I yell at my girl for things that are not necessary.

It is scary to be in a season of change. I know what God is calling me to do and for some reason I am too scared to take the leap. I am too scared to be who He has created me to be. I am too scared that people will not like me. I am too scared that people will look at me like I am crazy.
Why do I care??
This is why I recently finally picked us the Welsh book When people are big and God is small.
I am sick of letting people get too big throughout my day, throughout my thoughts.

I am thankful He follows me around.
I am thankful he has my back & I am thankful that I am a work in progress.
Now, if only I could get out of His way and let Him do His work in me.
This is the only way I can achieve true peace.
I am my happiest, my calmest, my most content when I let God be God, do His thing in my life and be on the throne.
Who or what is on your throne today?
I am telling you, I am promising you...If you surrender your life to your creator you will be complete.
Dig in the word, talk to someone, talk to me!

Love you all. Have a good day! oxox

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