But whatever gain I had, I counted as loss for the sake of Christ. Indeed, I count everything as loss because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord. For His sake I have suffered the loss of all things and count them as rubbish, in order that I may gain Christ and be found in Him, not having a righteousness of my own that comes from the law, that that which comes through faith in Christ, the righteousness from God depends on faith ~ that I may know Him and the power of His resurrection, and may share His sufferings, becoming like Him in His death...Philippians 3:7-11
My quiet times are few and far between. It makes me sad. One for purely selfish reasons...b/c I know I feel so much better when I am spending time with the most important person to me; I feel recharged, content, clear minded. Two; because I know that God wants to spend time with me (BTW how cool is that?! the creator of heaven and earth wants to spend time with me; with us; with every one of His creations). God wants to speak to us, to recharge us and to make things that are making us crazy clear...
This verse spoke to me the other day as I was reading it.
I came away from it realizing (yet again) that I am a total control freak. The things in my every day life that I count as gain or that make ME feel better are all things that do not stinken matter!
Basically, my priorities will fall into place only when I have Christ on the throne in my life.
Life is not rubbish, "things"are not all to be "loss" In comparison with where my priorities SHOULD be the things in life that I think matter...more often than not ~ do not.
Am I letting the grace of God give me relief in my everyday life?
Because I am a control freak.
I worry and worry and worry until I come up with a solution.
This is brilliant Jillian. Just brilliant. Not.so.much.
What is grace?
God's unmerited favor. Kindness we do not deserve.
G - Gods
R - riches
A - at
C - Christs
E - expense
This is brilliant Jillian. Just brilliant. Not.so.much.
What is grace?
God's unmerited favor. Kindness we do not deserve.
G - Gods
R - riches
A - at
C - Christs
E - expense
Lord, may I remember to live by faith today. May I remember you are strong and mighty. That you love me. That you have awesome plans for my life. May I remember to live, walk & breathe joyfully by your grace & for your glory. Thank you for not letting me be alone. Thank you for wanting to take my problems, stress and worries on and give me peace in the mean time.
Lalllaallaa AMEN!
Lalllaallaa AMEN!
I love what you said about grace! I've got to remember that. Quiet times are hard. The enemy wants to steal us away from our best friend. It's a fight but as you know, oh so worth it. Hang in there girl and give yourself some of that grace :)
ReplyDeleteAmen my friend! So grateful for our friendship. I am thankful for what you shared here too! GRACE...excellent reminder at this time when we can't control situations that we would do almost anything to change for the better... xoxoxoxox