Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

I am prepping the household (plus Tia Shayla) for our trip out to Pennsylvania tomorrow morning.
My mother-in-law was going through the list of yummy's in the oven for tomorrow and I am already drooling.
All this girl needs is turkey, mashed potatoes and a load of gravy. Happiness.
Tonight we are attending a friend of the hubby's annual night-before-Thanksgiving party.
I can not wait to catch up with everyone.
Tonight friends, tomorrow family.

Love you all! I pray you have a good, restful & safe Thanksgiving!
What are your plans?

Here is what I am thinking will work for both events:

Thanksgiving 2011

H M drape neck top
£7.99 -

Jane Norman military style coat
£100 -

7 For All Mankind denim skinny jeans
$180 -

Henry Dunay hammered jewelry

Jigsaw bangles jewelry
£39 -

Wet Seal wrap scarve
$11 -

Monday, November 21, 2011

Oh Happy Monday!

I can not believe that Thanksgiving is on Thursday!!!!!

A few things I am soooo thankful for:

my family,
my beautiful daughter,
my health,
my freedom,
my home,
pretty things...

Edie at Life in Grace has done it again with a BEAUTIFUL table scape.
Her style is perfection in my book.
I can not wait to sit down at a pretty table and eat yummy food this Thanksgiving.

Isnt this table pretty?
Loving the eclectic look; especially since I hate matchy match dishes.

Pumpkin roll is the best!
My moms pumpkin roll is the best...I should say!
Cannot wait for a piece of this come December!

What are you all looking forward to most this week of Thanksgiving?

Friday, November 18, 2011

Night out!

Time for some girl talk tonight.
I am so excited!

PS Tina, please take note of the name of the nail polish. hehe

Girls Night out...Nov 2011

Thursday, November 17, 2011

What I want today...

I am really hoping that my husband does check in on the ol' blog once in a while
 because its time that I start dropping some Christmas gift ideas hints.
I am just looking out for the man. Helping him out; if you will.

Here we go:
I know; I am so subtle...
Christmas 2011 hints

Old Navy double breasted coat
$60 - (Size M)

TOMS black boots
$98 - (Size 8)

Old Navy lace up boots
$40 - (Size 8)

ALDO satchel handbag
$55 -

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Organization part 2

As per my post last week I am on the hunt for some brilliance when it comes to my HUB.
Here is a cute area. I am thinking different tiles on the back splash may just help.
Everything has a place and a label. Very cool.

I will continue my hunt and please do not forget to send me your ideas if you have any!

Source: via Jillian on Pinterest

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

The Cupcake Magician has stolen my heart.

We have passed the Cupcake Magician in Red Bank SOMANYTIMES!
The other day; we went in and my life will never be the same.

Here are a few images from the Red Velvet & Cannoli cupcakes that we purchased.
Is it possible to have an affair of the heart with a cupcake? I did. I totally did.


Monday, November 14, 2011

Oh Happy Monday!

Since Mondays are quite the stinker of the week & with the Holidays and winter on its way I have decided to make Mondays: "Oh, Happy Mondays" around here at Lala.
What do you think?

Mondays for the next few months are going to be filled with things that make me smile.

To officiate the new theme I have posted a picture from a post that I read a few months ago. This post left me in awe of the beauty that always has been to me ~ San Francisco as well as thinking to myself; I will do this before I die. I will.

Take in this beautiful image and then get your tooshies over to the story behind it!

What is not to love: a dinner party, wine, friends and a view...what a view...

Friday, November 11, 2011

What inspires me today...

Quite honestly I was moved to tears when my Dad sent over an email with this link in it:
D-Day on the Normandy Beaches - images

I would like to wish everyone a Happy Veterans Day.
Regardless of whether you are republican, democrat, independent, pro-war, anti-war, peace loven hippie, soldier, or some one that does not really care.
You get that choice because of these people. Veterans/ soldiers.
Be thankful today that men and women love this country enough to fight and keep you free.
If you see a person in the military no matter where you are; thank them.

I am inspired by people that love a homeland enough to commit their entire life to protect it.

This is one of the images on the site posted above. Most of these guys were nineteen and marching to their death.
I can not imagine.
I am thankful.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Just a few things.

In our family we draw names for Christmas. Not only is it SO much easier, its a bit more economical!
Win. Win.
I have been trying to compile a little list of a few things that would be fun to put on my wish list for this year. :)
I will be adding some more gift ideas as Christmas gets closer since there is so much fun stuff out there!

Christmas 2011

Jessica Simpson platform sandals
$90 - (size 8)

Sakroots yellow boots
$45 - (Costco has these puppies for $25.00 & in pink - Sz 8)

Minnetonka Suede Moccasins
$30 - (Size 8)

K and Company - SMASH Collection - Journal Book - International Folio
$13 - (Amazon also has these)

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

You call this the hub?

Every home has a hub. Every home has that place where you keep your calendars, planners, weekly meal plans, mail, hair pins, pens...junk.
My hub is a fraken mess people.
I mean look at this?!

This area needs some simplification. Big time.

This area is my next project and I am taking suggestions. Do any of you have any handy ways, gadgets, products that I can get my hands on that would help with all of this?
...besides an iPhone which is on my wish list but bottom line: I like to write stuff down, make lists old school; with a pen and paper.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

My little helper!

I had myself a little helper this round of raking. By helper I mean...jump in the neat piles as I made them and throw as many leaves as you can back into the yard. ;)
Lilly had a great time as you can see by the pictures that her Tia sent me this morning.

She sure can hold a lot of leaves for a little lady!

How Lilly got her groove back...

Yup. Told you she was throwing them! Here is the money shot.

Monday, November 7, 2011


But whatever gain I had, I counted as loss for the sake of Christ. Indeed, I count everything as loss because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord. For His sake I have suffered the loss of all things and count them as rubbish, in order that I may gain Christ and be found in Him, not having a righteousness of my own that comes from the law, that that which comes through faith in Christ, the righteousness from God depends on faith ~ that I may know Him and the power of His resurrection, and may share His sufferings, becoming like Him in His death...Philippians 3:7-11

My quiet times are few and far between. It makes me sad. One for purely selfish reasons...b/c I know I feel so much better when I am spending time with the most important person to me; I feel recharged, content, clear minded. Two; because I know that God wants to spend time with me (BTW how cool is that?! the creator of heaven and earth wants to spend time with me; with us; with every one of His creations). God wants to speak to us, to recharge us and to make things that are making us crazy clear...

This verse spoke to me the other day as I was reading it.
I came away from it realizing (yet again) that I am a total control freak. The things in my every day life that I count as gain or that make ME feel better are all things that do not stinken matter!
Basically, my priorities will fall into place only when I have Christ on the throne in my life. 
Life is not rubbish, "things"are not all to be "loss" In comparison with where my priorities SHOULD be the things in life that I think matter...more often than not ~ do not.

Am I letting the grace of God give me relief in my everyday life?
Because I am a control freak. 
I worry and worry and worry until I come up with a solution.
This is brilliant Jillian. Just brilliant.

What is grace?
God's unmerited favor. Kindness we do not deserve.
G - Gods
R - riches
A - at
C - Christs
E - expense

Lord, may I remember to live by faith today. May I remember you are strong and mighty. That you love me. That you have awesome plans for my life. May I remember to live, walk & breathe joyfully by your grace & for your glory. Thank you for not letting me be alone. Thank you for wanting to take my problems, stress and worries on and give me peace in the mean time.

Lalllaallaa AMEN!

Saturday, November 5, 2011

All I want for Christmas is...

With a few weeks until Christmas...(I know right?!) I am trying to build a few good wish lists for myself and Lilly G.
Here are some ideas that I came up with for Lilly.
What are some of your favorite Toddler gift ideas?

BTW I did get her the Old Navy tweed jacket the other day. It was just too cute to pass up. How adore will this be with some dark skinny jeans or pink stretch pants and brown boots?! Love!
Lilly Christmas 2011