I was blessed to find a blog months back...as you all may know I love reading blogs. There are amazing people out there with amazing ideas and amazing stories.
Now, one of the blogs that I found "Jessicas Treasures" is where I first read of her dear little boys struggle with an illness that the doctors are unable to diagnose. The latest findings are that the white matter surrounding his brain is dying. They have submitted blood work for Pelizaeus-Merzbacher.
Please pray for the amazing healing that only God can do for this little boy. I believe in an all powerful God that does heal. Please pray for the strength of his parents. Pray that they will remain strong and that they will have wisdom in working with the doctors to figure out what is wrong with their little boy. Pray for the doctors that they would be able to figure out exactly what is wrong with Cameron. Pray that their would be treatment.
I cannot tell you the raw place that reading this blog brings me each time I read it. There is nothing more terrifying than having a sick child. Lilly was diagnosed with Pancytopenia at the beginning of August. We thank God every day that Lilly is doing better, that she is out of the hospital and that she is thriving. God is good.
I cant help but think this could have been us. We had doctors pouring over our daughter, we had her getting numerous blood tests every day with the doctors still left scratching their heads. We held our breath every time the doctors would come into the room with blood results.
What I can tell you is that the power of prayer is what has our daughter here home with us and happy & healthy. We had close to 1,000 people praying for our daughter, she is a new girl.
Please pray for Cameron. Please help this family out...I have attached a button to Cameron's Blog here. Watch for updates.
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