Friday, May 17, 2013

It be Friday!

Love love love spring. Sitting outside with coffee and my computer without the rude mosquito intruders! Savoring every moment this week!
What have you all been up to?

Highlights for this week:
planted super pretty flowers
organized my living space
had brunch with family
continue to read Gone Girl
caught up on Revenge (oooiii)
was a warrior mama and survived Lilly's shenanigans of toddlerhood.

Monday night as I was cooking dinner I turned to see that a princess would be joining us for dinner.
Glad I grabbed a snap shot of this little doll.
FYI This was the last of her angelic moments for the week. She was a duzzy of a three year old the remainder of the week!

Finally, the game changer.
 Banana almond oat pancakes.
I have a little pancake lover in the house. She begs me to make pancakes at least three times every week.
Today we made these:
PS Yes, I did add choco chips. It is Friday after all. ;)

May you all have a fab weekend and we will chat again next week!

Friday, May 10, 2013

Mothers Day!??

I do not know about the rest of you but to be honest...
after my week...
the LAST thing I want to do is spend another day with my daughter.
 I know its MOTHERS Day after all and I know I am an awful mom for admitting this. Am I the only one? *eekk*

Do not get me wrong; I love my daughter more than life itself but its been a hell of a week.

Mothers Day 13

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Is it Friday yet?

The eye twitch and a thrown out back...thinking my body is trying to send a memo to my brain to chill out a bit.
With the house in a constant state of "ready to show", the May drizzles, a return from an entirely too short visit to Jamaica and a three-year-old who thinks she can talk to me like a degenerate I am dragging a bit.

In other news when that sun does break through the clouds lately it is just beautiful out! Everything is in full bloom, the birds are chirping and it smells of spring. Happiness.

Depiction of life in these parts to follow. ;)
Spring time (before the bugs hatch) is our favorite time to eat outside! 

Do not let that face fool you; she is full of the "three's" lately. Most of the time I am speechless and I feel like I spend more time yelling at here and sending her to her room than I care to admit. But I sorta did just admit it; oh well. Mommy of the year award will not be headed this way.
Hence; the fourth Child Wise book being my latest nighttime read. *sigh*

Just when you are thinking: "What have I raised here?!" in defeat my little love makes me this  adorable planter for mothers day. *Perfect*
Its my favorite thing. Ever.

When the rain pours down I take my mind here...
Our view from our balcony this last weekend.
*What peace this brings my soul.*

When I am at peace I want to paint and I have not sat down and done that in what seems like forever!
Time to get my hands painty! Is that a word? Nope; but I like it.

There is the latest. What are some of your struggles or happy things lately?

Wishing you all a happy Thursday! ox
PS I promise I am working on a new blog schedule to get me back into the groove. Hang in there please!