Monday, November 25, 2013

Food for the soul.

You know those times in your life when you feel that you are literally loosing it and you need your batteries charged emotionally?
I was like beyond there Friday & I was sobbing to my husband that I needed time to connect with women and I guess I was just lonely. Lilly broke down crying saying "Why are you always mad at me Mommy?" within 15-minutes of this conversation. Best wife & mother award goes to: ME?!

Then I read this blog post and lost it even more. (Yes, that was possible.)

BUT within hours this happened:
A few dear soul sisters came into town for the whole weekend and I feel refreshed! The batteries are charged. 
God is good!

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

This is amazing grace...

It is just one of those days that I am in awe of my amazing God.
I am in awe of the amazing grace that he has given me; for free.
I am in awe of my salvation and the peace that it brings me if I really sit and think about it.
I am in awe of the freedom that I have in Him, the love that He has for me, and the beauty that surrounds me that he created for me; for you.
I was reading Genesis chapter 1 to Lilly the other day. Have you read a children's Bible before? I had; like forever ago. Until the other day I had not thought about how I may prefer it over my "adult" NIV because of the sheer simplicity of the writing. I need simplicity. Gods goodness is simple, His love is simple. We need only accept it.

If you are getting through a week that may be becoming complex please take a moment and watch this video & open up the word. He created this beautiful world for us to enjoy. Go outside, look up, breathe in the fall air. Be thankful.

I know this is a song that is often sang at funerals; but since we are talking grace I thought I would post the lyrics. I think its a song we should sing more often.
Have you ever really read them? Gods grace is amazing!

Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound,
That saved a wretch like me....
I once was lost but now am found,
Was blind, but now, I see.
T'was Grace that taught...
my heart to fear.
And Grace, my fears relieved.
How precious did that Grace appear...
the hour I first believed.
Through many dangers, toils and snares...
we have already come.
T'was Grace that brought us safe thus far...
and Grace will lead us home.
The Lord has promised good to me...
His word my hope secures.
He will my shield and portion be...
as long as life endures.
When we've been here ten thousand years...
bright shining as the sun.
We've no less days to sing God's praise...
then when we've first begun.
Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound,
That saved a wretch like me....
I once was lost but now am found,
Was blind, but now, I see.

Monday, November 18, 2013

Thankful we are finally healthy!

First of all, welcome to the recently face-lifted blog! I needed a change and it came out adorable thanks to Kotryna over at KotrynaBass Design!

The radio silence has been in part to the fact that this house has been so sick for the last few weeks! We are finally getting back to normal! We are healthy, we are sassy, we are back in school and I am in full decorating for the holidays mode!

Here is a glance into our life this Monday morning:
Fresh coffee and silly faces. Love.

Target sucked me right in and made me purchase boxes and boxes of white Christmas lights and this adorbs JOY marquee light. I am thinking its final home will be on the mantle. For now, because I have no patients and I had to see it. Bookcase it is.

Here I go. I can not help myself & rest assured these lights will be all over the house until we move.
PS The new seasonal soap flavor I can not get enough of: Method Cinnamon Vanilla. Heaven!

I AM SO GLAD we are healthy! Thank you Lord. Now, lets pray we stay healthy through the holidays! 
Speaking of which...

How the heck did it get to be mid-November? We are hosting Thanksgiving in the new Raleigh digs and I am a bit overwhelmed with my ideas for Thanksgiving.

There will be turkey, there will be mashed potatoes, there will be wine and there will be family. Check, check, check, check & check. Thanks to Pinterest I am having to narrow down the decoration ideas floating around in my head. What fun!

What are you all up to for Thanksgiving?? 

Saturday, November 9, 2013

Happy Saturday Y'all!

I always LOVED watching the top 20 music video countdown on VH1 every Saturday I could back in the day. (Is the countdown still on? My mornings these days consist of Paw Patrol & Umizumi…)
There is nothing better than a music video.
A few of my favs to name a few were: Guns & Roses November Rain, Brian Adams Summer of 69 & Nirvanas Come as you are, Smashing Pumpkins Mayonnaise…

Times have changed and
THIS is now one of my favorite songs (HA!). Check out the video & let it bring you cheer this Saturday! I have loved Darius from the ol Hootie days.

Friday, November 8, 2013


Now, I THINK I have mentioned Stitch Fix before but if not here goes a rant on the best new online service ever. EVER.

This is a online stylist service. Once a month, or if you choose more often or less frequently you will receive a pretty box at your door step with two outfit options that have been hand picked for you. You then have three days to touch them, try them on, check your bank account and see which of the items you can/ want to keep. If you decide to return some or all of the items you place them back in the pretty box, affix the prepaid shipping label and get your toosh to the post office. If you decide to keep the items. GUILTY! You get 15% off your order!

This service is so much fun ladies! Honestly! Even if you just want to browse the service and start your profile without making a commitment you TOTALLY can. 

Stitch Fix it up my friends. Not to mention if you refer peeps (eehhheemm) you get a $25.00 credit to your account. Score!
Here are some shots of my first fix:

This is a great edgy, cool, cozy sweater/jacket. It zips up or you can leave it open.
This jacket is a pretty dark grey color here. (no thanks to my camera)

This is a great soft, plum shirt that is great with leggings or skinny jeans. Hides all the "wrong" curves, while showing the good ones!

This sweater I debated on keeping but it is great for those casual days with some rolled jeans and Toms!
Don't you just love how they send style cards with each piece? The best!

This necklace did not come with a style card (obvi) so here is the pretty.
It is a great tear drop shorter length necklace.

Is there such thing as too many maxi skirts? I personally do not think so! They work year round! The one that I have currently hits my tummy in the perfectly WRONG place; this one just perfect! It is a pretty navy blue color:

There you have it; my new obsession. ;) 

Monday, November 4, 2013

We win!

I needed a little fun, uplifting tunes in my day!
How bout you?

Friday, November 1, 2013

Catch up time.

I can not believe that it has already been close to a month since we last chatted.
Since then I had a much needed visit with my parents, went out to Wilmington, New Bern and Beaufort, took a trip up to New Jerz, & celebrated our first Halloween in this amazing hood.
It has been a good month, a scary month, an emotional month & a month drizzled with much prayer throughout each day.
All of this said; I promise one post that is sure to be all over the place!

My beautiful, strong, amazing parents on the waterfront in Wilmington:

There were so many birds flying through the air in this picture, but they look like dirt specks here. Oh, well! Once again, the skyline in New Bern is just gorgeous!

My pretty girl...

On our way out of town my Dad popped out to look at this old cemetery in Beaufort. I should have taken more pictures; the trees were magical. 

Lilly and I decked out to paint birdhouses one afternoon. What fun we had!

 Lilly is growing up so fast! She is still having a BLAST in preschool & making new friends. 

Lilly got to dress up twice in one week for Halloween! Last week they did their school pictures at school. They were to come in costume! We finally narrowed down what she wanted to be from: unicorn, puppy, princess, Minnie & cat
Here she is:
Last night she insisted on a pink cat face:
 Then decided it was too light.
Black cat face shot. LOL!
Our neighborhood rules! We had SO much fun last night and for the first time I got rid of all of my candy! YAY! There were a ton of kiddos trick-or-treating and all of the older people on the block decorated their porches and sat outside handing out candy. I just love, love, love it here.

Now, this song has been getting lots of play on our Christian radio station. It speaks to me, it calms me, it put things in perspective lately. He is the only reason I am standing, that I am sane, that I have joy, that I have hope. He is MY ANSWER! I am beyond thankful for this today. I am thankful that His mercies are new every single morning. They are.

I pray for those of you that feel heavy that this song will bring you much needed peace.

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Autumn is in the air?

FIRST OF ALL! *HAPPY FREAKING DANCE!!* My parents are on the train from DC and will be arriving in Raleigh in just a few short hours. CAN. NOT. WAIT!


We did have "fall like days" last week, which sent me straight to the farmers market for pumpkins and such. I lit my pumpkin candle, lit lanterns, dug my leggings and booties out. I made harvest soup for goodness sake!

Now; its in the 80's and my autumn fever is fading...and it looks like a pumpkin breading ground in and around my house.
Here are some shots:

Fall mantle happiness:

Entry table pumpkin happiness:

Lilly is painting every white pumpkin and pine cone she can get her hands on!
(mountain girl pays $5.00 for a small bag of pine cones...what a crime!)

Thought I would give you some outdoor shots too:

Thank you for stopping in! Happy Wednesday everyone!

Friday, September 20, 2013

Its here!

As promised here are shots of the coffee table.
It makes me happy!
The sun room is almost complete. ;)

Happy Friday everyone!! ox

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Home becoming sweet home:

Its getting there.

I found a few stores literally up the street that may send us to the poor house and that is NOT because everything is super expensive it is because everything in there is ADORABLE!
I have beautiful plans...

This is the wicker day bed that I bought last week and its friend the oval coffee table is being painted a bright yellow as we speak. I will post some updated pics as soon as she is in!
I do plan on having the daybed cushion covered soon with some brighter pillows. Its a bit too mellow for my taste right now.

Art space. Love.
(Gotta love the unicorn in the background.)

Lets be honest: What the desk looks like most of the time.

I LOATH this thing. Its in the middle of the room and hangs so low that I am constantly cracking my scull on it. I must admit its a little (tiny) less tacky since I removed the silk (yuck) beige (yuck) shades from all of the lights.

Today I am picking up the coffee table and finally making the daybed colors mesh.
Stay tuned for some updated picks. :)
Happy Thursday everyone. ox

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Squeezing in a bit more summer!

OBX Baby!
P.S. I used to think that this was an abbreviation for "obnoxious" when I saw people with these stickers on their car. No joke. Now I have one of those stickers. I can be obnoxious so it works. HA!

We stayed in Kill Devil Hills (I know nice name;) on Nags Head Beach. It was beautiful!
The weather was perfectly Californian. Warm, windy and chilly all within a small amount of time. I loved it!

Lilly is addicted to the beach & has made it quite clear that we need a beach house. Sure, no problem. Obviously, we are having a hard time being not up the street from the beach since we have spent the majority of our weekends here in NC at the beach. 

Nice clean, green water. Ah, refreshing. ;)

I know that it comes as no shock to you all that my girl did not stop jumping from the moment those feet hit the water. (Boy, did she sleep good these nights)

Miss it already...

Friday, September 6, 2013

The visible invisible...

So I found this beautiful song on Annes blog and it has been a constant reminder throughout my weeks past...
Have a listen & let me know what you think.

Love you all and hope you have a glorious weekend.

Let the Lord be be the visible invisible in your life today. Its just easier that way...

Friday, August 30, 2013


New rug for the livs room.
Thank you Home Goods.
What do y'all think?

Night shot:

Day shot:

Up close:

Cookies & our first day of official preschool!!

We have officially completed our first week of preschool!
I say we because Lilly was a champ & I gave up a total of 9-hours of control this week. It was a joint effort. hehe

Lilly is going to Arts Together Preschool which is a multi-arts preschool program. She is learning dance, drama & art. She has 13 kiddos in her class; all of which appear to be normal and have normal parents. *sigh of relief here*

Official first-day shot:
PS I did put shoes on my child before we left for school.

My "trying not to hyperventilate" as we left for school shot:

We did start the day right however with a batch of these yummy/ healthy cookies!