Friday, December 10, 2010

Master BR picture update...

The master is coming along. I am currently on the hunt for hardware to get the curtains hung appropriately and the vanity and side table completed.
Here are some updated pictures. I am sorry they are not the best. Feeling a bit yucko today so I didn't have the energy to fight with the camera & lighting.

Orange and yellow...happiness!

Here is the vanity painted and awaiting a mirror and hardware.

Grabbed this beautiful fabric at Joanne's last week. Complete coincidence that it matches one of my comforters PERFECTLY! Awesome.

Here is one of the two splashes of teal that I was able to sneak into the room. Love it.

Two. Not a good shot. Once I post the final pictures hopefully the picture will show the teal take 2 in a better light.
So there you have it. Update. :)

Where is the ME in Mommy give-a-way!

In a time where we both struggle to make ends meet and spend too much on frivolous things my girl Reagan has a $50.00 give-a-way going on at Where is the ME in Mommy
This has caused me to really think where would I spend an extra $50 buckaroos....You should head over and check it out. Ask yourself this question and enter to win!
GO! Get over there...!!

PS I honestly love this blog. Being a stay at home mom can be so isolating so it is nice to know that there are lovely ladies out there going through the same day-to-day "stuff. Reagans blog makes you think, makes you laugh and makes you feel inspired.

Everyone have a lovely day.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Thank you Pioneer Woman...once again!

Doing my morning blog scrawl with coffee in hand I came across this recipe on Pioneer Woman...she always has the BEST stuff!
P.S. I told Ryan just the day before "I am keeping things simple this year; no holiday baking and mad woman getting these out to our neighbors. Famous last words...

It really is easy and so yummy!

Just some toppings...

Sugar and butter...there are a few things better than this combo.

All spread and ready for a set.


Bagging time.

Monday, December 6, 2010

While the pumpkin sleeps...

So...I have yet another little project. I am super excited since our bedroom has always been the step-child of the home. I decided it was time for some much-needed love.
I inherited this beautiful vanity and chairs. Thank you Sharon.
Bottom line, it was a huge blessing. Not only did it finish the room it provided a project that kept me nice and busy during yet another long week of my Lovie being out of town.

Here are some before pics of the bare, lost room...
tomorrow I will post an update. I am ubber excited how it is all coming together...


Taped off dresser top for some teal paintage. Yes, I did say teal and yes, Ryan is not so sure of the color. I love it, it is staying. ;)

Bed area with the updated candle sconces/ bedside lighting. Very cozy.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Winter Wind...

Happy December 1st everyone! I thought no better way to start this gloomy, windy day than with a cozy outfit!

Thanks to jillgg's Good Life for Less I have been very into my clogs again. You know when it takes a little inspiration to get you back into that sweater or pair of shoes that have been sitting in your closet for ever...alone. Thank you Jill!
Thanks to Regan from Where is the ME in Mommy I was inspired to clean out my closet. FINALLY! Boy, do I have some clothes I am just kidding myself with in there.
Now, here to inspire you to do the same today is a cozy outfit that will make you excited to get into your closet today and find some treasures that may be waiting for you go shopping. ;)

Winter Wind