Monday, February 22, 2010

"Be glad of life...

...because it gives you the chance to love and to work and to play and to look up at the stars..." Henry Van Dyke - Dancing with my Father

lalallaa...Its winter and I am trying not to be too overwhelmed with my extreme desire for spring to be here and to be here NOW! Ryan is away again this week and I find myself with extreme cabin fever and is it normal to talk to yourself ALL day long?! ;) I get bummed, I get lonely and I needed this awesome reminder today.
Winter has always been a struggle for the book that I am reading there was this fabulous and appropriate quote waiting for me today. Yay! I think Lilly and I are due for some star gazing tonight...

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Rent the Runway; literally!

Okay, how many of us have had a Christmas party, cocktail party, birthday party, wedding, rehearsal dinner to go to with NO idea what to where or if you are like me...know exactly what you would LIKE to wear but there is no way I can A) find it in time or B) afford it...
Problem solved....

Rent the Runway !!!!!!!! (Do click!)

Seriously, check it out. I have a wedding in fabulous Santa Fe that I am in on May 1st...problem solved! Lovess it!

Peas anyone?!

I still am not quite sure what to do with this stuff in my mouth...

Okay, mom they are not that bad!

Peaaaaaasssss!!! Peas, Peas, Peas...Love em...
I figured that they were festive for the upcoming St. Patty's Day as well. ;)

Saturday, February 20, 2010

I be ready for spring...

"Bring on spring showers for my flowers! Lalalalaaa"

Friday, February 19, 2010

Beside myself with excitement!

Okay, for all of you fridge picture people out there with stainless steel appliances...our prayers have been answered! 8-months...fridge baron of pictures....yyyayyyy! time!

Mayfair Lane... (Click here)

Thank you Lisa for the link! I am so excited...hmmm will Ryan understand if I purchase $100.00 worth of magnets today??!! ;)

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Heavy heart...

I know I have lagged a bit in my actual posts over the last few months. For this I apologize! ;)
Lilly and I are getting more of a hang of our daily partnership so here I sit, baby napping and finding myself heavy...
With the acquisition of my new career as mommy I have struggled with much. I have felt insignificant, unable, overwhelmed, confused & most importantly I have felt a huge calling to improve on my self image amongst all of these attacks. I want to be a woman, wife, mother that knows who she is and is confident in that.
As my move to New Jersey took place I was in the midst of a transformation that I would have never thought possible. I was a woman in the midst of a divorce from a man that didn't want to be with me anymore, a man that wanted rather to be with numerous other women. He chose to walk away from the Lord and from me. "Who am I Lord?", "What am I to do now?", "How will I carry on?"...I was a woman that was finally facing, who I was, what I liked to do rather than what others WANTED me to be. I was moving to New Friggen Jersey, a state that goes for the jugular and if you don't like it, leave! LOL!
Now, I am here...God has dragged me up mountains to enjoy the amazing view and carried me through valleys that I never thought I could get out of. I am married to an amazing man, who is truly beyond my dreams, have the most precious daughter in the whole world and live in a cozy home of which displays my personality throughout. God is so amazing!
Now, why am I heavy...I have dear friends going through really hard times. I have one particular at the same crossroads I was 6-years ago. My heart breaks for her and honestly there are times when I want to call her husband and say "Who the F&*$^#)*! do you think you are?!" I need to be more honest, I need to say what I am thinking more often, I need to not be such a people pleaser. There is a lot of reasons I moved to NFJ ... one of which I honestly believe was to get over some of my insecurities, to be a confident woman, wife and mother. I don't want my little girl to grow up and get taken advantage the way that I was.
I pray now that God would use me. I wouldn't trade any of lives valley's; they have taught me much.
"Lord, please carry my dear friends as you have carried me. Give them strength, give them peace as they have never known..."
Thank you all for listening, I love you...

Monday, February 15, 2010

Valentines Day!

YAY! I love dressen up!

As you will see in the video she is quite alert in the morning. Thank God babies derive genes from other family members! Ryan and I are NOT this chipper in the morning. Thank you Mimi & Nonni for being happy in the AM and for passing it along to this little miss...

Happy Valentines Day everyone!!!!!!
The little Miss was able to dress up in her pink-polka-dot dress yesterday. She did some flirting with the boys in the church nursery, hung out with Mommy and Daddy and took lots of naps. I think Lilly is working on breaking her first teeth.

On this day celebrating love, I am so thankful for my close family and friends. Love you all, thinking of you and wishing you the VERY best.


Some of you may have noticed one the news our "blizzard of the century" here in the North East. The pictures do not do the storm any justice! It was beautiful for about 5-minutes then I decided I was over it and ready for the spring blossoms. ;)
That all said, I was cooped up with my lovies so I was happy!

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Snow & Cerial...just a day in the life

"The snow Nome"....
...she loved looking at the snow covered trees! That said, she was not happy that I had her hands tucked away in the snow suit!

Our first cereal...this is the "what are you bringing at my face mom?" shot

This is the "WHAT THE HELL MOM?!" shot...

and finally...this is the "don't EVER give that to me again mom!" shot...!!

She is sooo entertaining...! LOL!


Soooo happy that its warm and sunny...!!!!

The beautiful Grand Cayman botanical gardens! I was in heaven...

We took a submarine ride to explore the awesome reefs off of Cayman. Pictured here the "Atlantis" with its tug beside.

This is the mermaid of the Cayman. There were tons of cool fish and even a sea turtle! None of the pictures turned out too well. Darn!

We were able to escape the north east winter for 5-days to Grand Cayman again. We love it there! Its beautiful, lush and the people are really friendly. Next year Miss Lilly will be coming with us. We missed her way too much!!! She had a blast though with her Nonni and Pop-pop. We also were able to make it home just in time for the blizzard of the century. yyyaayyy...?!

Lilly is 6-Months!

The little Miss is sitting all by herself!

Mom, I am playing! You are interrupting with that flash!

Loves me some feeding time!

Happy, happy, happy girl!

Our little Lilly is getting so big! She is such a blessing and I am so thankful I have her to laugh with during this long, cold winter! Just last night she was sitting on the living room floor all by herself with playing with all of her toys...yay! She is rolling over in her crib more and more & as you will see above she had her first cereal.