Friday, November 27, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving!!!!

Mommy's little helper in the early AM getting things ready. :)

The beautiful bird...Shayla and I pulled it off! YAY! It was yummo!

The center piece!

Our new dining room table set for some good use, family and friends!

At the end of the night Ms Lilly was getten cozy with Grammy...

We have MUCH to be thankful for!!! First of all, our little miracle Lilly Grace...she is such a good girl and such a joy, secondly our wonderful family's(!!!!!!)..., awesome friends, our new home, our health, and the list goes on and on...Thank you Lord for all of your provisions...
We love you all; have a wonderful weekend. oxox, The Keefe Family

New pictures!!

Lilly likes to hang out with Daddy in his updated office!

An official picture of her big dog!

Her favorite morning friend Mr. Monkey! She talks to him while I get the pot of coffee brewen in the morning.

This is her tu-tu outfit that I LOVE-LOVE! She is almost outgrown it...sad!

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Three & a-half months!!!

Fall has fallen here in New Jersey...This was our front yard a few weeks ago...after much wind and much raking it looks a bit more bare these days...

Halloween...she was a bit cranky so this is the best pic I have of her in her lady-bug costume!
Lilly and Daddy at lunch after church...she is a pretty little princess...

I do apologize for the delay in getting pictures online...Due to old-camera/ memory stick issues I end up throwing up my hands in defeat each time I sit down to post while nap time is in progress...

Motherhood still is proving to kick my royal-oldest-sibling, independent, never-wanting-to-ask for help, tired TOOSH!!! Mom; I love you and thank you for not having sold me to the highest bidder while I was just a wee-one. I do love my little pumpkin and she is a really good baby but man(!!) I need an espresso shot every three hours and an instruction manual...I am just thankful that I have a God that listens when I whine and offers me strength beyond words to get through each day.
Lilly will be 4-months on the 1st of December and is growing soooo much! These days she talks back when I converse with her, she loves to stand with mommy and daddy's help and has moved to eating every 4-hours. We have officially graduated to 3-6 month clothes and Ryan swears that the next pair of PJ's the girl outgrows the feet will be cut out and socks put on. HAHA!
Thanksgiving will be hosted here at the new Keefe household! Pray that I can cook a turkey properly! ;) We are looking forward to this day as we have MUCH to be thankful this Thanksgiving!
Okay, must wake the house as I would like to get a full night sleep...its 8:06PM Ryan and Lilly are still napping...Love you all and have a lovely night...oxox