Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Bath time & naps...We love those!

Lilly squeaky clean after her mallow bath!!
Lilly napping after the mallow bath and a yummy bottle!

I know it has been a while since I have posted last...I apologize...!
Fall is falling here and Ryan is taking more and more trips so emotions are running high here ;) We are working on a trip home here shortly for some Mommy mental mending. Its much needed and long overdue. I am so thankful for my loving, supportive husband, airplanes and family.
Lilly's next doctor visit is Thursday afternoon so be praying that I don't faint as she is having her first shots! AHHH! She is growing soooo fast. Right now we are working on talking. When she does her adorable girly baby coo's she stops and looks around probably wondering where that noise came from. Last night we were able to hold a bit of a conversation while changing into her jammies. We are also working on sucking our thumb...I show her how its done and she immatates me! She is such a smart little girl.
Love you all and talk with you soon,
oxox Jillian
PS Stay tuned for a video. I just couldnt post the one I have cause my baby talk is just TOO EMBARRASING!!

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Mommy & Daddy and their important role in my precious life...

Check out my new jeans and graphic tee!
This is me in the AM pj's waiting for mom to pour herself some coffee!! "Mom, HURRY!"

In Deuteronomy 6:4-9 we are instructed as parents to " These words which i command you today shall be in your heart. You shall teach them diligently to your children...when you sit in your house, when you walk by the way, when you lie down and when you rise up..."
We are given children for a time to train them in Gods way. We have all heard that children grow up sooooo fast to I need to get on it! Lilly is such a blessing and much prayer and medical intervention had to go into her conception. God gave us awesome doctors to work with and He knit her together amazingly! I cry sometimes just looking at her in awe! Now my single most important job is to show her Jesus! My prayer as I have said since day one has been that she be getten to know her Jesus since she was conceived. Now, she is here with me and my job begins...
This verse reminded me that now it is not only my personal walk with the Lord that I need to keep in check personally but now my daily walk with the Lord directly effects my miracle daughter! Ryan and my marriage directly effects our daughter & how we deal with day to day stresses directly effect our daughter.
I am so far from perfect and I have a long way to go on my walk. "Lord, help me fight the small battles of everyday motherhood...and be able to rest my head victorious in you each night..."

Monday, September 14, 2009

I love baby sleeper ball...

Look at my little princess peaceful & droolen like her daddy... ;)

6-weeks old!

Mommy & Lilly were able to go out clothes shopping today. Its beautiful weather, but the seasons are changing! That said Ms Lilly needed some jeans, sleepers and long sleeved onsies...Mom needed an excuse to go shopping since she cant for herself yet with the post baby figure still lingering! ;)
I am so thankful for my little lady. Today she has been a complete joy (not that she isn't other know what I mean). We have been doing a lot of smiling, talking and hanging out in the swing. It is growing on her thank goodness! As long as I am within sight I can pay bills, catch up on phone calls and go through the mail all with free hands! YAY!
Also, I am looking forward to evening nap time given that the Giants are finally on east coast TV since they are working their way to the playoffs! With Ryan gone this week dinner time can be quite lonely around here especially when you have making baby talk all day.
I promise to get some more pictures out today.
Love you so much!

Thursday, September 10, 2009

My aunties love me...

Thank you auntie Cass for my pretty dress!!! I almost was able to smile for the camera... ; )

Last night Ryan was away on business and I sat with a glass of wine asking God that He help me breathe...
Anxiety has always afflicted me...Satan knows my weaknesses. I worry about the baby, about how much sleep I will get, about being alone in a new house, my family, missing them & the list goes on...and on...Thank goodness I have a God that is stronger than any of my worries and anything the prince of darkness has to throw my way.
Frantically, I searched the web, the Bible for some sort of calm..."God help me breath..." & once again: Phil. 4:6-7
Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus...
People, I cannot tell you how many times this verse and the shear AWESOME-NESS (yes, its a word...) of God and His calm has rescued me out of my pit. Once again my online devotional had a GREAT reminder for me: We all know or try to know that God doesn't give you more than you can handle & as this woman wrote..."Sometimes I wish that He didn't trust me so much!!"
God has brought me through soooo much and he knows I will get through these nights.
Now, that we have talked a bit about my issues...lets talk about fun stuff!
Ryan is now home and was able to get Lilly up from her dinner time nap. She loves her Daddy...the second he picked her up from her nap she was one HAPPY girl. They have been smilen and talking to each other since! The only unfortunate thing is that he and Lilly are watching the Steeler v. Titan game...this girl is gonna like football! DARN! ;)
Love you all...have a good night...miss you tons... ~ Me

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Beautiful Labor Day Weekend...

Hello everyone!!!
I thought I would post a quick few pics for you to see. Ms Lilly is getting so big! We have figured out how to roll over in our crib and are sleeping about 7-hours straight each night. Thank you Lord!
We had a wonderful Labor Day weekend...the fam hung out at "On the Deck"; a local restaurant at the harbor up the street. It was a bit windy and as you can see by the look on Lilly's face in her solo shot she was'nt so sure about it...she ended up cozy in the sling while mommy and Shayla drank yummy red wine together.
I will post more tomorrow...
Love you all and have a good rest of your day!

Friday, September 4, 2009

Mommy loves her girl...

God is amazing...

After a completely draining night I woke up SPENT! With little time to sit and read the Bible these days I have found a website that has daily devotionals for women "Girlfriends in God". ( Listen to the amazing reminder that God gave me today:

1 Corinthians 1:7 "Just think—you don't need a thing, you've got it all! All God's gifts are right in front of you as you wait expectantly for our Master Jesus to arrive on the scene for the Finale. And not only that, but God himself is right alongside to keep you steady and on track until things are all wrapped up by Jesus. God, who got you started in this spiritual adventure, shares with us the life of his Son and our Master Jesus. He will never give up on you. Never forget that" (NCV).

"Jesus tells us in John 10:10 that He came so that we might have life and have it more abundantly. Abundant life doesn't tie us to some convoluted vision we have of the "perfect" Christian woman. Abundant life is full of adventure and making a difference. God wants us to go on a great adventure with Him. A relationship with God is a great adventure.
I guarantee that if you truly step into an intimate relationship with God, you will experience more adventure than you have ever known. God will ask you to do things you never thought you could do and may ask you to give up some things you didn't think you could live without. However, He will offer you a relationship with Him and fill your life with blessings beyond your wildest imaginings. Sometimes it's not easy, but it is worth it."

Now I know I am a new mom and that this new "adventure" will get easier with time but most of the time I pray that I make it through the day a good mommy and end the day feeling like a failure; a spent failure. God has indeed given me an abundant life and with this I need to embrace the daily challenges knowing that I am a work in progress with an AMAZING God walking beside me and carrying me on His shoulders when I am just tired...

Thursday, September 3, 2009

The long overdue update...

Soooo...Obviously, I am a bit behind in my updates!
Forgive my technologically challenged, sleep deprived new mommy-hood brain but figuring out this blogging thing is all a bit overwhelming for me to figure out these days...hehe!

Our little bundle Lilly Grace was born on Saturday, August 1st at 10:49AM. She weighed in at 7.10 lbs. & 20 inches long. I can honestly say that it was love at first sight. Her first 24-hours were filled with calm and a pure checken out of the world around her. The second she was born and placed in my arms she just looked at us...aww...I loved it!
The last 5-weeks have been a bit of trial and error for us as new parents but thank the Lord; our daughter is very patient with us. God is good...she is amazing. She has slept through the night many times, eats every three hours and is quite a joy in the morning. ( I am learning as I need coffee ASAP in order to function as a normal human being each morning...); needless to say, Lilly is an awesome morning wake up call smiling and coo-ing bright eyed each day.

Our prayer is that we hold in our hands a little girl that already knows her creator, an awesome God, best friend and Father that will never leave nor forsake her. This has been my prayer for her since she was conceived.

Please follow along with us as we blog about our new world.
We love and miss all of you...God bless...