Last night Ryan was away on business and I sat with a glass of wine asking God that He help me breathe...
Anxiety has always afflicted me...Satan knows my
weaknesses. I worry about the baby, about how much sleep I will get, about being alone in a new house, my family, missing them & the list goes on...and on...Thank goodness I have a God that is stronger than any of my worries and anything the prince of darkness has to throw my way.
Frantically, I searched the web, the Bible for some sort of calm..."God help me breath..." & once again: Phil. 4:6-7
Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus...
People, I cannot tell you how many times this verse and the shear AWESOME-
NESS (yes, its a word...) of God and His calm has
rescued me out of my pit. Once again my online devotional had a GREAT reminder for me: We all know or try to know that God
doesn't give you more than you can handle & as this woman wrote..."Sometimes I wish that He
didn't trust me so much!!"
God has brought me through
soooo much and he knows I will get through these nights.
Now, that we have talked a bit about my issues...lets talk about fun stuff!
Ryan is now home and was able to get Lilly up from her dinner time nap. She loves her Daddy...the second he picked her up from her nap she was one HAPPY girl. They have been
smilen and talking to
each other since! The only unfortunate thing is that he and Lilly are watching the
Steeler v. Titan game...this girl is gonna like football! DARN! ;)
Love you all...have a good night...miss you tons... ~ Me